To keep warm they burnt wood in a rusty oil barrel 他们在一只生锈的油桶里烧木柴来保暖。
There was a smell of damp wood and machine oil. 有潮湿的木料和机油的气味。
This wood will not accept oil paints. 这种木料不吸油漆。
There are only two important chemical reactions involved in the combustion of any fuel, be it coal, wood, oil or gas. 任何燃烧的过程只包含两种重要的化学反应,不论燃烧材料是煤、木材、油还是煤气。
Some of them come first on the list in the world, such as cassia oil, star anise, peppermint oil, menthol, turpentine oil, eucalyptus oil and cedar wood oil etc. 其中,如桂油、八角茴香、薄荷油、薄荷脑、桉叶油、松节油、柏木油等的产量已居世界前列或首位。
Study on preparation of phenol-formaldehyde resin adhesive with wood tar oil instead of a partial phenol 木焦油部分替代苯酚合成酚醛树脂胶粘剂的研究丁腈酚醛树脂粘合剂
Production of Lin Guang anticorrosive wood oil select natural material, it has strong percolating force and adhesive force. 林光防腐木油选用天然原料精制而成,具有超强的渗透和附着力。
A cooked mix of wood oil and mod. colophony, linseed oil. 木质油,适量松香,亚麻子油煮成的混合物。
Wood Oil Plant is an Important Mountain Resources in South China 木本油料是我国南方山区有待开发的重要财富
Wood, coal, oil and gas are different knids of fuel. 木材,煤,油和天然气是不同种类的燃料。
In order to improve the odour quality of cedar wood oil, the water distillation ( over water boiler) should be replaced by steam distillation. 为改进柏木油香气质量,主张以水蒸汽蒸馏技术取代水上蒸馏法,不赞成用干馏法或“红锅”法来制取柏木原油。
For Class A B fires such as Wood, Oil, Gases Flammable Liquids. 可扑灭易燃液体所引发的火警。
Pre-esterification of China wood oil catalyzed by solid acid in fixed bed reactor was researched. 利用固定床反应器,以固体酸为催化剂催化桐油预酯化反应。
Cedar Wood Oil Reviews 柏木油回顾
Study on the chemical constituents of wood turpentine oil, flotation oil and distillation residue extracted from pine stumps 红松明子抽提物&木松节油、选矿油、釜残油化学成分的研究
The acetylation of the hydrocarbon fraction of cedar wood oil with acetic anhydride~ polyphosphoric acid and the prins reaction of d& limonene with acetic anhydride~ paraformaldehyde have been studied. 本文研究了柏木萜烯与醋酐~多聚磷酸的乙酰化反应和d-芋烯与醋酐~多聚甲醛的Prins反应,经正交试验结果,柏木萜烯乙酰化反应得率为70%。
Extracting camphor wood oil from camphor tree seeds 樟树籽提取樟油的试验
Comment on the standard of wood preservation oil trade 木材防腐油行业标准述评
Introduce the production of wood preservation oil in our country, describe the revision about the main index and experiment method of wood preservation oil trade standard and analysis them. 介绍了国内木材防腐油的生产现状,对木材防腐油行业标准的主要指标及试验方法的修改进行了阐述,并进行了综合分析和述评。
Chinese prickly ash tree ( Zanthoxylum bungeanum Maxim), which originally grows in China, belongs to family Rutaceae, and it is one of the important species of the tree for flavors, wood oil and spice. 花椒(ZanthoxylumbungeanumMaxim)原产于我国,为芸香科、花椒属落叶灌木或小乔木,是重要的调味品、香料及木本油料树种之一。
The major components of cedar wood oil including some isomers α-cedrene, β-cedrene, thujopsene and so on, were separated by GC/ MS and 19 compounds were identified. 本文利用GC/MS技术,对柏木油中的主要产物α柏木烯、β柏木烯、罗汉柏烯等同分异构体进行分离定性,共定出19个组份。
Under the statement of several typical wood oil plants and exploitation situation in southern mountain areas of China, the developmental advices were brought forward. 在介绍我国南方山区代表性的几种木本油料植物及其开发现状的基础上,提出了今后的发展建议。
Now almost all the copper companies in the world make charcoal powder 、> heavy oil 、 green wood 、 diesel oil 、 liquefied petroleum gas 、 natural gas 、 ammonia and propane as copper refining reductant. 目前国内外大多数铜冶炼厂采用木炭粉、重油、青木、柴油、液化石油气、天然气、氨、丙烷等作为铜火法精炼还原剂。
The author considers that Chinese cedar wood oil is less valued for many years, the major reason is the odour quality. 笔者以为中国柏木油价格在国际市场走低多年,其主因是香气质量。
Using of stem distillation, camphor wood oil percent of green seeds was 2 80%, and percent of mature seeds 0 90%. 用水蒸气蒸馏樟树籽,青籽的得油率为280%,紫籽的得油率为090%。
The results showed that taking acetone, petroleum ether and ethanol as solvents in extraction, camphor wood oil percent of green seeds was 2 70%-3 10%, and percent of mature seeds. 0 70%-0 93%; 结果表明,用丙酮、石油醚和乙醇作溶剂浸提樟树籽,青籽的得油率为270%~310%,紫籽的得油率为070%~093%;
Using analysis methods and FT-IR, SEM, TA to conduct the research about the behaviors of Chinese wood oil. 采用FT-IR、SEM、TA等分析手段对桐油的性能进行了研究。
But Chinese wood oil and the pig blood are manufactured in the manual small workshop production which hand down orally by the priests and disciples. 而桐油、猪血的加工是师徒口头相传的手工小作坊式生产方式。
The experiment proved the Chinese wood oil mainly to have the polymerization, has produced the high polymer during boiling. 3. 实验证明桐油在熬制过程中主要发生了聚合作用,生成了高分子聚合物。
This paper studies the Chinese wood oil changes during boiling and the garnitures function in the process. 本文研究了桐油熬制过程中所发生的变化及添加物料的作用。